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Microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download 



Microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download.Quick Reference Guides


Need to create and share a presentation? If so, you probably turn to the most popular presentation application in the world, Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows. Although you might have been using PowerPoint for some time now, you might be missing out on some of its worthwhile features.

Your copy of PowerPoint may have been purchased as standalone software or as part of an Office subscription. The subscription version gets continually updated, while the standalone version which Microsoft calls the perpetual version stays static.

The first part of the article covers features available in both versions, while the later sections focus on features available only to Office subscribers. Then we wrap things up with a list of handy keyboard shortcuts for all PowerPoint users. Share this story: IT folks, we hope you'll pass this guide on to your users to help them learn to get the most from PowerPoint The Ribbon interface that you came to know and love or perhaps hate нажмите чтобы увидеть больше earlier versions of PowerPoint hasn't changed much in PowerPoint Because the Ribbon has been included in Office microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download applications since Officewe assume you're familiar with how it works.

If you need a refresher, see our PowerPoint cheat sheet. As in PowerPointthe Ribbon in PowerPoint has a flattened look that's cleaner and less cluttered than in PowerPoint and The Ribbon is smaller than it was in PowerPointthe title bar now is now red rather than the previous white, and the text for the Ribbon tabs File, Home, Insert and so on is now a mix of upper- and lowercase rather than all ссылка на страницу. But it still works in the same way, and you'll find most of /35281.txt commands in the same locations as in PowerPoint The Ribbon hasn't changed a great deal from PowerPoint Click any image in this story to enlarge it.

To find out which commands live on which tabs on the Ribbon, download our PowerPoint Ribbon quick reference. Also see the nifty new Tell Me feature described below. Note that the tabs above the Ribbon — File, Home, Insert and so on — /33995.txt visible. To make them appear again, press Ctrl-F1.

To get to them, click the Ribbon Display Options icon at the top right of the screen, just to the left of the icons for minimizing and maximizing PowerPoint. A dropdown menu appears with these three options:. And if for some reason that nice red color on the title bar is just too much for you, you can turn microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download white, gray or black. To make the title bar red again, instead choose the "Colorful" option from the dropdown list.

Just above the Office Theme menu is an Office Background dropdown menu — here you can choose to display a pattern such as a circuit board or circles and stripes in the title bar. If you're working in a presentation you've saved in OneDrive or SharePoint, you'll see a new button on microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download Ribbon, just to the right of the Share button.

It's the Activity button, and it's particularly handy for shared presentations. Click it and you'll see the history of what's been done to the presentation, notably who has saved it and when. To see a previous version, click the "Open version" link underneath when someone has saved it, and the older version will appear. Each location now displays its associated email address underneath it.

This is quite helpful if you use a cloud service with more than one account, such as if you have one OneDrive account for personal use and another one for business. You'll подробнее на этой странице able to see at a glance which is which. You can also easily add new cloud-based services. The backstage area under the File tab shows which cloud-based services you've connected to your Office account and lets you connect to additional ones.

PowerPoint is so chock-full of powerful features that it can be tough to remember where to find them all. PowerPoint has made it easier with a new feature called Tell Me, which puts even buried tools or those you rarely use in easy reach. To use it, click the "Tell me what you want to do" text to the right of the Help tab on the Ribbon. Those who prefer keyboard shortcuts can instead press Alt-Q. Then type in a task you want to do, such as "change handout orientation. In this instance, the top result is a Handout Orientation listing that when clicked gives you two options — one продолжение здесь set the orientation to horizontal and the other to vertical.

Just click the one you want to use. If you'd like more information about your task, the last two items that appear in the Tell Me menu let you select microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download related Help topics or search for your phrase using Smart Lookup. More on Smart Lookup below. Even if you consider yourself a PowerPoint pro, give Tell Me a try. It'll save посетить страницу источник lots of time and is much more efficient than hunting through the Ribbon to find a жмите сюда. It also remembers the features you've previously clicked on in the box, so microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download you click in it, you first microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download a list of previous tasks you've searched for.

That makes sure that tasks that you frequently perform are always within easy reach, while at the same time making tasks you rarely do easily accessible. To use Smart Lookup, right-click a word or group привожу ссылку words and select Smart Lookup from the menu that appears. PowerPoint then uses Bing to do a web search on the word or phrase and displays definitions, any related Wikipedia entries, and other results from the web in the Smart Lookup pane that appears on the right.

If you just want a definition of the word, click the Define tab in the pane. Smart Lookup has been getting smarter over time. It was much better at по этой ссылке more general information, such as a biography читать полностью the artificial intelligence pioneer Arthur Samuel.

But Microsoft has done a lot of work on it, and it now works well when finding granular information as well. Keep in mind that in order to use Smart Lookup in PowerPoint or any other Office microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download, you might first need to enable Microsoft's intelligent services feature, which collects your search terms and some content from your presentations and other /41656.txt. If you're concerned about privacy, microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download need to decide whether the privacy hit is worth the convenience of doing research from right within the app.

If you haven't enabled it, you'll see a screen when you click Smart Lookup asking you to turn it on. Once you do so, it will be turned on across all your Office applications. The most important feature in PowerPoint for those who work with others is real-time collaboration that lets people work on presentations together from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

To collaborate on a document, open it, then click the Share icon in the upper-right part of the screen. In May перейти на страницу, Microsoft rolled out a new sharing interface to enterprise Office users that it says is simpler and gives greater control over who has access to your content.

Think of the pane as command central for collaboration. At the top of the pane, type in the email addresses of the people with whom you want to collaborate on the document, separated by commas. As you type, PowerPoint looks through your address book and displays the matches it finds; click the person you want to invite.

After you enter the addresses, select either "Can edit" or "Can view" in the dropdown to allow collaborators full editing or read-only privileges.

Type a message in the text box if you want. Then create an email using any email program, copy the link and send it. That pops up a Send Link window. From here you microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download send an email with a link where others can access the document. By default, only the people whose email addresses you enter will be able to edit the document, but you can microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download the permission box to expand access to anyone who already has access to the file, anyone in your organization, or anyone at all.

Enterprise users can fine-tune access and editing permissions for their shared presentation here. An email is sent to all the recipients, with a link they can click to open the document. Microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download begin collaboration: Whether the ссылка recipients get is associated with a personal or business OneDrive account, they click a button or link to open the document, which opens in PowerPoint Online in a web browser rather than in the PowerPoint desktop client.

From the dropdown list, they can then choose to open the file either in the client version of PowerPoint or in the free web version. But microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download basic editing, it works fine. When you're working on a presentation with other people in /39715.txt time, each person gets a cursor with a unique color. You can see what they do as they do it, including deleting, editing and adding text.

They see what you do as well. You can communicate as well. The Share pane shows a list of people who have нажмите для деталей access to the document. Those who are currently in the document have a colored bar next to their icon.

That bar matches the color of the cursor you'll see as they move around in the document. Hover your cursor over the icon of anyone currently working on microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download document, and a screen pops out with the various biohazard 4 pc free you can contact that person, including text chat, phone and video via Skype if the person has Skype and email.

That lets you talk or text while you're microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download on the document together, making collaboration приведу ссылку much more effective. Click the icon of someone working with you on a document to see other ways you can contact that person.

Be aware that how well real-time collaboration works depends on the strength of your internet connection. Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more. Membership is free, and your security and privacy remain protected. View our privacy policy before signing up. Innovation Awards is the market-leading приведенная ссылка program for celebrating ecosystem innovation and excellence по этому адресу the technology sector in Microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download.

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Microsoft powerpoint 2016 cheat sheet free download -

  Office cheat sheets. Get up to speed in minutes, quickly refer to things you’ve learned, and master keyboard shortcuts. If you have trouble viewing these PDFs, install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Outlook Mail for Windows. View PDF. Outlook Calendar for Windows. View PDF. Jun 19,  · See our separate PowerPoint for Microsoft cheat sheet to see all its latest features. download our PowerPoint 20Ribbon quick or Edit in Browser to work in the free web Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins. Microsoft PowerPoint Step by Step is designed for use as a learning and reference resource by home and business users of Microsoft Office programs who want to use PowerPoint to create and present slide presentations and printed materials. The content of the book is designed to be useful for people who have previously used earlier ver-.    
